Make fitness fun: Alternative activities to get your pulse racing

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The gym ins’t for everyone, here are some women who discovered alternative fitness avenues

She says: “My gymnastics ability as a child was limited to a forward roll and cartwheel. If you’d told me that I’d be mastering backflips in my thirties, I’d have laughed. Working full-time as a teacher, with three small children, made it difficult to regain my pre-baby fitness.

“Running was a quick way to do it – but an ordeal – and didn’t help my upper-body strength. I was also keen to sort out my back issues – a hypermobile spine meant I had terrible back pain during all three pregnancies and ended up on crutches.

“Then, three years ago, while watching my two daughters at their gymnastics class, another mum mentioned that she’d been to a gymnastics for adults lesson at Worcestershire Gymnastics Academy and said I’d love it.

“It’s soaring in popularity as parents, who normally sit watching on the sidelines, can join in. The class was a mixture of complete beginners like me and former gymnasts who wanted to recapture that magic.


Gymnastics looks like no easy feat, but with practice it can be mastered

“Part of me thought, ‘I can’t learn new skills at my age,’ but the coach was so encouraging. After a warm-up and stretch, we worked on basic skills like forward and backward rolls, handstands and cartwheels.

“I’m a slow learner but, with the coach correcting my technique, the 90-minute lesson flew by. Knowing what to do and getting your body to do it are two completely different things. But after a few weeks, I was able to stay in a handstand and move on to more advanced skills like a round-off – a cartwheel finishing with both feet on the floor.

“When I confessed that I dreamed of doing a backflip, the coach didn’t even flinch. ‘OK,’ he said, ‘we’ll get you doing one of those.’ It took me more than a year but I was thrilled when I mastered it.

“One of the great things about gymnastics is it requires 100 per cent focus. You can’t think about being a wife, mum or teacher, or hanging out the washing when you get home – you’ll land on your head.

“Working mums don’t often get that chance to switch off and escape from the stress of everyday life. Yes, there’s a fear factor to some of the moves, but you get such an adrenaline rush and a real sense of achievement.

“I can go on the parallel bars, land a cartwheel on the beam and even do a straight-back somersault if I use a springboard.

“Once, while vaulting, I landed on the edge of the foam pit and was left with a huge bruise on my backside.

“I’ve also sprained my ankle and had to take a week or two off – but I’ve never hurt myself badly. I’m definitely stronger as a result of gymnastics. My upper body and core strength are the best they’ve ever been.

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Being a working mum makes activities difficult, but gymnastics classes can still fit in

“My arms are more toned and I don’t have any back pain.

“I’d recommend adult gymnastics to anyone – regardless of age or ability. It’s improved my life and health so much and I’ve made great friends who all celebrate each other’s achievements.

“Life can be so serious – the last thing you need is for exercise to be serious, too.”

Find your nearest British Gymnastics adult class at discover/adult-gymnastics.


With bars attached to the trampoline, bounce fitness has never been safer


Full-time mum and carer Gemma Pugh, 31, lives in Southport, Merseyside, with her partner Ryan Simpkins, 39, and their children Sophie, 11, and six-year-old Harrison. Gemma says:

“I first started to go to Boogie Bounce – exercising on mini trampolines – to lose baby weight after Harrison was born. Sadly, he developed complex health issues and spent five months in Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool. Now six, he has undergone 32 operations, is tube-fed and has also been diagnosed with autism.

“With me caring for Harrison full time and Ryan looking after Sophie, it was as if the family had been split in two. 

“It was only last autumn, with Harrison settled at school, that I was finally able to think about having some me-time. During that time I’d developed my own health problems, with doctors finally diagnosing severe hormone deficiencies requiring monthly injections.”


Gemma was not a fan of the gym, and has found her niche with trampolines

I was desperate to lose the weight that had crept on during such a stressful period and boost my flagging energy levels, but the gym bored me to death. And then I remembered how much I’d enjoyed Boogie Bounce and signed up again. 

During my six years away, the mini trampolines had been fitted with handlebars. Although they now resemble ‘my first trampoline’ toys for toddlers, they really help you feel secure while bouncing and enable you to kick your legs out while you jump.

The class basically involves jumping and performing various routines to really funky music. Your feet don’t even have to leave the canvas to get the benefits of bouncing but, with a great soundtrack and lively atmosphere, you can’t help but join in. 

Boinging up and down to music, with your hair flying, is every child’s dream. It’s impossible to do without feeling happy – in fact, I spend half of the hour’s class just laughing. You’re enjoying yourself so much, you don’t realise you are exercising and, with no impact, there’s no chance of injury. 

That’s not to say it’s easy. According to my Fitbit, I’m burning nearly 650 calories a class and it really does get your heart pumping.

“Initially, I had to keep stopping for a breather. But after a couple of weeks, I was able to hammer out a whole class and started going twice, then four times, a week. 

“The more I bounced, the better I felt. Since last autumn, I’ve lost five stone and the weight is continuing to drop. I’m happier, slimmer, more energised and less stressed, while an old knee injury has vanished.

“Sophie comes to two of my classes each week with me and we really enjoy mum-daughter bonding time. 

“As well as being a brilliant instructor, Amy has become a really good friend and we’ve taken up running together. We’ve taken part in Pretty Muddy (an obstacle race) while Sophie and I completed a Color Run – a brilliant event where paint powder is thrown over runners.”

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Trampoline classes have allowed Gemma to branch out, she has now taken part in a colour run

“I’m now in training for the Great North Run this autumn – something that would have been unthinkable this time last year. Ryan can’t believe the difference it’s made. It’s all from bouncing into a new fitness regime.

“Even Harrison has attended a class and was thrilled to win a ‘bouncer of the week’ award. It so simple, but mini trampolining has transformed our lives.” 

To find your nearest Boogie Bounce class, visit

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While London has reputation for being busy, it is very easy to find yourself alone


Meghan Joyce, 28, an account manager, has been living and working in London for two years.

She says: “Moving to London from my home in Minneapolis, US, as part of my job, was a dream come true. But after a year of excitement, sightseeing, hard work and soaking up the atmosphere, it dawned on me that I was lonely.”

“Working remotely, often from my flat, meant I didn’t really get to meet people. I missed having a close circle of friends and that sense of belonging. My New Year’s resolution in January 2016 was to find a community I could be a part of. 

“While Googling ‘things to do when new to London’, the name Rabble kept popping up. ‘Fitness classes disguised as games’ and ‘backlash against boring exercise’ were two of the enthusiastic comments.”

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The first session at Clapham Common introduced Meghan very quickly to her Rabble team mates

“Showing up to my first session, in January, at a muddy Clapham Common in south London, it was bitterly cold and lashing with rain. But the large jovial group of 40 who had gathered under Rabble banners didn’t even notice. They were all laughing and joking as they unpacked sporting equipment and split into teams.”

“Taking a deep breath, I laced up my white trainers (they didn’t stay white for long) and joined them. The first thing that struck me was just how friendly and welcoming everyone was. Within five minutes of a mass version of Game Of Thrones, I knew the first names of all my team-mates. 

“Everyone shouted encouragement – regardless of how badly I played – and celebrated wins on all sides. When the final whistle blew, I was red-faced, breathless and exhausted. I’d been so focused on tactics, I hadn’t realised that we were jogging and sprinting our way through a high-intensity cardiovascular workout. 

“I was even more elated when members said they hoped to see me again. That one-hour session made me feel more at home than a year of visiting museums and eating out ever did. 

Signing up to the top membership deal offered unlimited sessions each month. Soon I was going up to five times a week. But Rabble has perfected the art of playful fitness. The fact that we grew up playing these games makes them easy to master and improve at.

“It’s also a great workout – Rabble estimates you can burn up to 800 calories and cover 8km in just one session. 

“The team element brings out your competitive streak – so you give it your all. Being American means I’m often the loudest on the pitch, but I just love cheering teams on and getting players excited. 

“It’s also brilliant fun. In the past, I’ve found myself running aimlessly on a treadmill or clock-watching during fitness classes but, when you’re playing games with friends, the hour flies by. 

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Rabble’s fitness games made losing weight much easier

“The social element is also unlike anything I’ve ever known. Members head en masse to the pub after sessions and I’m now a member of the social club organising weekly events – from poker nights to dinner parties.

“There are no awkward ‘hellos’ and polite chats about the weather. You immediately feel part of the family. Since joining Rabble, I’ve improved my endurance and agility, lost 10 kilos in weight and toned up my muscles.

“But I’ve also reduced my stress and anxiety levels and laughed more. For the first time in my life, I’m enjoying getting and being fit. In fact, I’m so passionate about it I’ve trained to become an instructor and have just won the Rabble role model of the year award.

“Learning to play again has given me a love of fitness and a whole new British family.” 

For more on Rabble classes, visit

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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