Look and feel great at any age: Anti-ageing expert reveals top tips to roll back the years


SMILES BETTER: A positive outlook can improve your appearance


Acceptance is the key to a healthy and happy ageing process. 

Many people try to fight ageing through repeated surgery, too much exercise and expensive anti-ageing products when the only result will be disappointment. 

Worrying the whole time about getting older is stressful and exhausting so try to forget about it. After all, a few fine lines and wrinkles are the signs of a life well lived. The key is to stay as healthy as possible by eating well and doing some exercise to keep you active. 

A combination of a good diet, sleep and exercise as well as effective aesthetic treatments will help you keep what you have for as long as possible. 


The best way to check your hormone levels is to ask your GP for a blood test


Hormonal changes can have a huge impact on skin and can lead to an increase in sebum production, making skin both look and feel oily. Tackle this by exfoliating regularly, using a gentle glycolic acid product such as Dr Jules Nabet Peeling Act, £99 (skinkicks.co.uk). 

As women age, oestrogen levels drop. This causes a reduction in collagen production which leads to decreased skin firmness, visible pores, wrinkles and lines developing. The decline can start even before menopause, in some cases up to 10 years beforehand. However ageing does not affect everyone in the same way – one person may get their first wrinkle at 25 while another may remain line-free until their late 30s. 

The best way to check your hormone levels is to ask your GP for a blood test or book an appointment at a private clinic. 


Rapid weight loss depletes mineral levels in the skin and damages its natural elasticity


Keeping your weight down is the key to good health, however losing pounds too quickly can play havoc with your skin. 

Rapid weight loss depletes mineral levels in the skin and damages its natural elasticity. 

This is especially true for the face. Losing fat from the face means losing volume, which can cause skin to sag. 

The key is to lose weight slowly and eat a diet rich in foods with skin benefits including oily fish such as mackerel and dark green leafy vegetables. 

As a general rule it is a good idea to avoid sugar and moderate your alcohol consumption. If you are on a diet, aim for a total weight loss of no more than 8lb a month so your body and skin have time to recover. 


It is important to appear natural


Cutting-edge cosmetic procedures can take years off how you look. However it is important to appear natural. 

The key is to fool your friends into thinking you’ve simply had a good night’s sleep. No one should ask, “What have you had done?” 

In my clinic I often send people away because they simply don’t need an invasive procedure such as Botox or fillers. I recommend a facial instead or a gentle acid peel to freshen up the complexion. 

Taking care of your skin is vital for a youthful complexion so always cleanse, moisturise and use an SPF every day. 


If you have a lot of excess skin under the eyes, surgery is the only option


The delicate eye area is often where you first develop signs of ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles and sagging. 

If you have a lot of excess skin under the eyes, surgery is the only option but there are plenty of preventative measures, such as CO2 therapy, that you can use to improve circulation under the eyes and boost collagen levels. 

I also recommend choosing an eye cream that contains hyaluronic acid. Be gentle when you apply and dab rather than rub. It is a myth that massage will help the eye area. The truth is it will stretch the skin and create fine lines. 


Cleansing morning and evening is an essential part of looking after your skin


Cleansing morning and evening is an essential part of looking after your skin and the key to a flawless complexion. 

It is important to remove make-up, pollution and excess oil secreted by tiny glands in the skin to prevent blemishes as well as congestion. 

Make sure you use a cleanser that is right for your skin type and don’t be overzealous as you can damage skin. 

When it comes to choosing a cleanser, avoid anything that promises too much and look for a gentle, creamy formula. 

I often recommend Epionce Gentle Foaming Cleanser, £27.50 (effortlessskin. com) which removes impurities without stripping the skin of its natural oils. 

Dr Nabet is the medical director of Omniya (omniya.co.uk). For more information call 020 7584 4777.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BriefNews.eu and PCHealthBoost.info Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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