Last night's TV reviewed: Many faces of prejudice

From first-night impressions, the three parter Three Girls (BBC1), looks like a sterling example of the latter kind, ugly, unbearably real, and entirely necessary. 

Scriptwriter Nicole Taylor has taken the real stories of three of the girls involved in the 2012 Rochdale child abuse case and turned them into the sort of bold, searching drama we could almost feel proud of, if it didn’t also give so much cause for shame. 

Last night’s story began with 15-year-old Holly (Molly Windsor), in a police interview, charged with smashing the counter in a kebab shop and stealing two cans. 

She was sullen, mute, sitting next to her fuming dad, a classic troubled teen scene. Except it wasn’t. 

There were obvious villains in the tale that unfolded and it made no attempt to excuse the men preying on vulnerable girls. 

Three Girls BBC1BBC

Three Girls tells the story of victims involved in the 2012 Rochdale child abuse case

Others were called to account, though, not least the social workers, who described Holly’s abuse as a ‘lifestyle choice’, and told her parents she was ‘working as a prostitute’. 

Only health worker Sara (Maxine Peake) seemed able to see through the jargon and protocol to the ingrained prejudices at the heart of the police and social services. 

Amber (Ria Zmitrowicz), the girl who had befriended and recruited Holly into a sickening routine of taxi rides and rapes, was more complex. 

It was clear that she, too, was being forced to act as a kind of gangmaster, while being treated no better than the others. 

When Holly finally broke free and into the arms of her parents, Amber watched from the window, crying. 

Was it fear of the beating she would get because of Holly’s departure or pure sorrow at the family Amber didn’t have and couldn’t run to? 

These girls have chaotic lives, a senior policeman shrugged when confronted with Sara’s dossier of evidence. It meant for him that they couldn’t be helped. 

In any sane and fair world it would mean they had to be. A Dyson sphere may sound like this season’s must-have vacuum cleaner but if you plugged one in you wouldn’t be able to afford the bills. 

Sara (Maxine Peake) Three Girls BBC1BBC

Sara (Maxine Peake) identified the young girls being abused and informed the authorities

An unusually whimsical Horizon (BBC2) recapped the last few decades’ study into alien life, beginning with a segment more like an episode of ‘Mr and Mrs’. 

Duncan Lorimer and Moira MacLachlan are married astronomers, with adjoining offices. Duncan, apparently, sometimes bangs the wall to tell his wife to be quiet. 

Perhaps he fears missing a burst of deep space radio activity, such as the one he witnessed in 2007 and which now bears his name. 

Comets, satellites, even the microwave in the department’s common room have been cited as possible causes for the Lorimer Burst and other similar phenomena but Duncan, while not a diehard believer in little green men, remains convinced it’s something else. 

Horizons BBC2BBC

Last night’s Horizons looked at the last decades’ study into alien life

Meanwhile, the distant Tabby’s Star, found in 2015, disappears for such long periods that some think it’s orbited by a vast, spherical energy-collector. 

With its Dyson spheres and Kardashev scales, and candid, almost personal interviews with leading star-gazers, this film provided rich entertainment.

If the truth is ‘out there’, though, it might have come and gone. Some suggest that great alien civilisations might have risen, sent messages, used up all the power and vanished, billions of years ago. 

The same fate might be waiting for us, too.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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