BuzzFeed Releases Chilling Accounts Alleging R. Kelly’s Running an Abusive Sexual “Cult”

BuzzFeed News has shared a chilling investigation into the lives of numerous women living on R. Kelly’s Atlanta and Trump Tower, Chicago properties. Beyond detailing the ways in which the musician (with a famed history of allegations of sexual misconduct) allegedly controls every facet of their lives, imposing lifestyle rules that apply to eating and going out while prohibiting them from communicating with their families, the article also contains allegations of physical and verbal abuse, alleging punishments for acting against his will.

The article and some of the interviewees describe the alleged fostering of a cult mentality meant to keep the six women under control. A woman named Cheryl Mack, who was a former personal assistant of Kelly’s recalls, “You have to ask for food. You have to ask to go use the bathroom … [Kelly] is a master at mind control. … He is a puppet master.” Two other women — Kitti Jones and Asante McGee — also describe having formerly been members of his entourage, and having had their cell phone use monitored by him.

Jim DeRogatis, who penned the article and has been the most consistent journalistic documenter of allegations against Kelly, writes that “Mack, Jones, and McGee claim that women who live with Kelly…must ask his permission to leave the Chicago recording studio or their assigned rooms in the ‘guest house’ Kelly rents near his own rented mansion in suburban Atlanta.” McGee claims to have witnessed Kelly leaving one young woman “on the [tour] bus for, like, three days and she was not allowed to come out” as a punishment. And Jones says she was once pressed against a tree and slapped for having been “friendly” with a Subway cashier.

The three women he interviewed allege that Kelly “confiscates the women’s cell phones so they cannot contact their friends and family; he gives them new phones that they are only allowed to use to contact him or others with his permission.” They also claim that — as you might expect from former Kelly story broken by DeRogatis that led to a child pornography trial — Kelly films sexual activities with the women living with him to show to his male friends.

Meanwhile, a woman identified as J., a mother of one of the women living in one of Kelly’s properties, describes the last time she saw her daughter, in 2016:

It was as if she was brainwashed. [She] looked like a prisoner — it was horrible… I hugged her and hugged her. But she just kept saying she’s in love and [Kelly] is the one who cares for her. I don’t know what to do. I hope that if I get her back, I can get her treatment for victims of cults. They can reprogram her. But I wish I could have stopped it from happening.

The article opens by detailing how J.’s daughter came to know Kelly — first, with the promise that he’d help her burgeoning musical career — and how J. and her husband Tim have been fighting, to little avail, to get their daughter back. It also focuses on two other parents who’re doing the same. Unlike past reports on R. Kelly’s behavior, all of the women living in this situation are of age, a fact that’s made it difficult for parents to seek any kind of legal action.

Read the full BuzzFeed piece here.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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