4 Ways Coronavirus Has Changed the Dating Game

Quarantine and lockdown measures during the coronavirus pandemic have made dating difficult. Our article examines why, in some ways, the pandemic has improved people’s romantic lives.

How Coronavirus Is Changing The Dating Games

The coronavirus outbreak in 2019 catapulted the world into a new and strange reality. People found their ability to travel restricted, their workplace routines upended, and their social lives left in the dust. Even with the rise of online dating and free hookup sites, the etiquette involved in dating suddenly changed along with everything else. A casual date with a stranger was no longer a question of first date nerves, but a potential public safety hazard.

Relationship experts have long pondered the question of how to improve dating success and why some people seem to thrive dating online, while others do not. Under coronavirus lockdowns, it’s natural for people to be a little hesitant about dating. Many singletons feared that they would be forced to wait out the pandemic alone or exist only in the realm of stilted messenger chats. However, some studies tell a different story.

In fact, some experts theorize that coronavirus dating patterns show a substantial uptick in the number of successful relationships that are blooming during the pandemic. Possible reasons for this vary but one thing’s for sure – if you’re serious about finding love in lockdown, you totally can. Here are just a few of the ways that coronavirus changes the dating game!

young couple in black medical masks
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cheerful-young-couple-in-black-medical-masks-resting-on-plaid-on-sunny-meadow-in-countryside-4005089/

How Does Coronavirus Affect Dating?

  • More People Are Dating Online

Online technology has helped us all in a multitude of ways during the coronavirus pandemic. It has allowed us to take our jobs home, stay in touch with loved ones, and kept us entertained. Online dating was already a popular way to meet people before 2020, but the global outbreak means that most dates now takes place virtually.

Although this means that more traditional ways to meet people are out, it also means that the pool of people online is larger. There are more prospective candidates to choose from and, therefore, more chance of striking up a suitable match. The pandemic has also, potentially, opened people’s minds to online dating. Singles who previously avoided dating online may feel keen to experiment as other routes to relationships are closed off.

woman on bed with laptop
Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/vKEwDELlFbg
  • We’ve All Slowed Down

It’s official – life moves at a slower pace now than it did pre-pandemic. Our social schedules have taken a back seat and we’ve all got more time on our hands to take things steady. In many ways, experts think this is good for developing relationships.

Instead of rushing from date to date, from distraction to distraction, people have time to focus on what is going on in front of them. This is a plus when it comes to virtual dating. Whereas, before, we may have dated someone but never really taken the time to get to know them, relationships are now being condensed into shorter time periods.

Couples who had only been together a short while were forced to move in together or face a lockdown apart. This created make or break moments for many couples. Meanwhile, those still dating have been forced to embrace the art of conversation, as virtual dates revolve more around this compared to in-person dates. This means that compatible couples are developing deeper bonds faster, while others are working out their incompatibilities sooner.

  • People Are Re-evaluating Their Priorities

When it comes to coronavirus and relationship woes, the pandemic has been a wake-up call for many of us. The widespread tragedy surrounding the pandemic has led many people to rethink their priorities. Perhaps you were in a relationship that you secretly knew wasn’t working out, but you had no drive to change anything.

The upheaval of coronavirus has given people a jolt. It has even possibly encouraged them to make positive life adjustments. These can include getting brave about online dating, asking out someone new, or finally ending a stagnant relationship.

  • Dating is Going Outdoors

If you’re looking for ways to improve dating during coronavirus, you may need to think outside the box. It’s been widely reported that people have begun to spend more time outdoors during the pandemic. When it comes to coronavirus and dating, you may need to take a natural approach to planning your dates.

If you plan to meet someone online during a COVID lockdown, suggest you meet for a walk rather than meeting inside. This helps minimize the risk of spread and keeps you active. An outdoor picnic or a café with outdoor seating are also great ideas to keep your dating life alive.

happy woman showing photo to boyfriend
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/happy-ethnic-woman-showing-photo-to-boyfriend-5225284/


During coronavirus online dating has become a godsend to people who don’t wish to put their romantic lives on hold. Other aspects of pandemic life have also had a surprisingly positive effect on dating. Whatever your romantic situation, it’s comforting to know that, even during the worst scenarios, we can still find ways to date!

Final Call: Are you single during the coronavirus pandemic? How have you kept your dating life alive during the lockdown and quarantine measures? Have you continued dating online or taken a break? How did the pandemic affect your relationships? Let us know in the comments!

Post Author: Rebecca Shin

Rebecca Shinn is a freelance writer and dating and relationship expert with a Psychology degree. Her field of expertise is relationship, dating, and marriage. The important part of Rebecca’s practice is to help couples with communication skills, problem-solving skills, stress management, or finance skills. Rebecca started writing 2 years ago to inspire and help people to have a better dating life, strong relationships, or find a way to keep a marriage strong for long years. With all said above, Rebecca is proud to be a mother and a wife so she doesn't only use her knowledge for helping others but keeping her family strong and happy.

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