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Washington is ‘working on’ Gulen extradition to Ankara, Turkish FM says

The US is considering fulfilling Ankara’s long standing request to extradite Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said. Turkey accuses Gulen of masterminding the 2016 coup attempt.

According to Mevlut Cavusoglu, US President Donald Trump told Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Washington was “working on extraditing Gulen and other people.” He stressed that the talk took place at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, two weeks ago.

Speaking at a conference in Doha, UAE, Cavusoglu also said that the US is investigating the cleric’s organization, the ‘Gulen Movement’, for tax fraud.

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Fethullah Gulen has lived in the US since 1999. Ankara considers his organization a terrorist group and accuses him of orchestrating the Turkish 2016 coup attempt. The nation filed numerous requests for Gulen’s extradition, all of which the US rejected, citing lack of evidence.


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