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The Las Vegas shooter was reportedly prescribed a common anxiety medication — here’s what you need to know about it

mandalay bay windows las vegas shootingDavid Becker/Getty Images

People are still looking for the motive behind the Las Vegas shooting as more details come in.

One detail that has emerged around the shooter, Stephen Paddock, concerns his prescriptions. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that in June, Paddock was prescribed diazepam, sometimes known by its brand name, Valium. It’s a common medication used to treat anxiety.

The drug has been on the market since 1963, when it was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

It’s important to note that while Paddock may have been prescribed the drug, he wasn’t necessarily taking it on the night of the shooting that left 59 people dead and injured more than 500.

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Here’s what you need to know about diazepam:

As it stands now, the link between diazepam and Paddock’s actions is tenuous at best — though some celebrities have said otherwise.

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