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15 Podcasts to Listen to Before Bedtime

Do you often find yourself lying in bed at night with your eyes wide open? If so, you’re not alone. According to Consumer Reports, 164 million Americans struggle with sleep at least once a week. Whether you can’t seem to lay your busy thoughts to rest or just can’t into a comfortable position, falling asleep (and staying asleep for seven hours) can be incredibly difficult. 

It is important to get a good night’s sleep for not only your productivity but also your health. How can you sleep better? Experts often suggest that a consistent bedtime routine can help ease your mind and prepare your body for sleep. 

One calming activity to add your routine is listening to a sleep podcast. With their easy and digestible format, podcasts are becoming increasingly popular. Sleep podcasts take it a step further with sounds and content designed to help us catch some Zzs, from classic music and ASMR to bedtime stories and guided meditation practices. 

Ready to get a good night’s sleep? Check out these sleep podcasts compiled by Casper.

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