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This fat-loss breathalyzer is now available for $699

LEVL, the device that can tell you how much fat you’re burning by analyzing your breath, is now available to consumers in the Seattle area. The device made its debut way back at CES 2016, and now it’s finally making its way to consumers.

The LEVLhome works by detecting the amount of acetone in an exhaled breath, which is an indicator of fat burned, and converting that into a quantifiable number on the companion app. The LEVLhome costs $ 699 for the device, and will cost an extra $ 49 a month for replacement sensors and calibration gas.

While it will initially only be available to those who live in the Seattle area where the company is headquartered, LEVL says nationwide availability for the LEVLhome will be announced this spring. You can order a LEVLhome from the company’s website today.

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