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The Walking Dead season 8 news: Chandler Riggs opens up about Carl Grimes' tragic death

The Walking Dead episode titled Honour saw Carl succumb to a Walker’s bite injury, which he suffered in episode six – The King, the Widow, and Rick.

Carl, the young son of Alexandria leader Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), took his own life with a sniper rifle to prevent his transformation into a Walker and to save his father and best friend Michonne (Danai Gurira) from further heart-ache.

Now, actor Chandler has opened up about the heart-wrenching scene, saying: “I think he knew how much this was impacting Michonne and Rick and he really didn’t want to put them through any more suffering and didn’t want them to have to do that.

“He knew that they were going to have to bury him anyways and that was definitely going to suck, but he figured that was the least he could do to help out.

“It was a really kind of empowering thing because it’s showing that he was really the only one that could take himself out and put himself down.”

Naturally, the emotional scenes drew a huge reaction from die-hard fans, with many left in tears after watching Carl’s death.

Speaking about the tear-jerking scene, he told Entertainment Tonight: “We shot it first in the order of the episode but it was definitely the hardest to film.”

He went on to reveal that it was also difficult to shoot the farewell Judith scene, adding: “The goodbye scene to Judith – that was super depressing as well. That was super hard to get through, but just a really sad episode overall.

“I remember reading the script and I was just like, ‘Awww I’m really going to have to do all this?’ And it was tough to get through but I’m glad I got through it.”

Although Carl’s death came as a surprise to some fans of the hit FOX series, 18-year-old Chandler admits he was not surprised by his exit.

He said: “I knew it was coming for a long time, but it was weird to think that that would be it.”

Discussing his final day on set, he added: “We were in the sound stage studio and when I walked out everyone had eye patches over their eyes and everyone was clapping and cheering.

“They gave me a hat from season one and a framed T-shirt of one that I wore back in season one. It was definitely hard to get through that speech [to the cast and crew] and that was just a very sad day.”

In the midseason premiere episode, Carl experienced a puzzling flash forward, which some have speculated is a hint of what is to come this season.

“Well they were originally kind of Carl’s ideal future of what life could be like,” Chandler explained. “They teased it as Carl’s envisions of the future but now it’s kind of playing our like that’s kind of how it’s going to be.”

The Walking Dead airs tonight at 9pm on FOX UK.

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