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The Latest Transformers: The Last Knight Trailer Is All Explosions and Madness

A new trailer for the fifth Transformers movie is here, and boy… are many, many things happening in it. I’d say it contains a 60/40 percent ratio of explosions to outright gibberish, which indicates to me that it may be the most insane Transformers movie since Dark of the Moon. Judge for yourself.

So without doing one of io9’s big breakdowns, let’s just break this down all simple-like. We’ve got:


And remember, somehow this still al involves a bunch of Transformers hanging out in medieval England and fighting with King Arthur, which is something that somehow all of humanity and all of the Transformers seem to have forgotten.


I’d say this makes The Last Knight look like the new Michael Bay-iest thing I have ever seen… but let’s not pretend Bay isn’t going to be back for three more movies.

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