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Sniper laughs off near fatal ISIS bullet in Raqqa gun fight (VIDEO)

Dramatic video has surfaced showing a female Kurdish fighter laughing off a bullet that narrowly whizzed by her head during a sniper fight reported to have taken place in Raqqa. The bullet can be seen exploding in a wall inches from the fighter’s head.

“Kurdish women know no fear,” the videos’ uploader said in a tweet. “Your average human being would be scared for life after being so close to death but she kept laughing.”

RT reached out to the uploader to confirm if they filmed the footage, but have yet to receive a response. The uploader regularly tweets about Kurdish fighters and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The uploader claims the bullet fired at the woman came from an Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) fighter.

A badge seen on the woman’s fatigues is that of Abdullah Öcalan, an imprisoned Kurdish National leader whose image is often worn by members of the Kurdish Women’s Protection Unit (YPJ) fighting in Syria.

READ MORE: US retrieving weapons from Kurds after ISIS defeat in Raqqa is ‘fairytale’

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