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Rime allegedly runs faster with Denuvo DRM stripped out

Enlarge / Was Denuvo’s DRM slowing down this darling fox?

Whatever your thoughts on the use of digital rights management to protect games against piracy, you probably don’t want any DRM solution to actually have a negative impact on the performance of the game or your computer (SecuROM, anyone?). Now, though, crackers are alleging that Denuvo’s DRM protection is causing performance issues in Rime, accusations the DRM maker and game maker both deny.

In a readme file accompanying the crack for the game, a cracker going by the handle Baldman says the Denuvo protection “now calls about 10-30 triggers every second during actual gameplay, slowing game down. In previous games like [Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3], Nier, Prey there were only about 1-2 ‘triggers’ called every several minutes during gameplay, so do the math.”

Speaking to Kotaku, a Denuvo spokesperson flatly denied that the DRM was having a negative impact on the game’s performance. “Prior to release, we performed benchmark testing on the protected vs. unprotected versions of Rime. There was no performance impact on the version that is protected with Denuvo anti-tamper vs. the unprotected version.”

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