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Protests erupt outside the Supreme Court and Capitol as Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in

kavanaugh protestsAlex Brandon/AP

Judge Brett Kavanaugh was narrowly confirmed to the Supreme Court on Saturday, after the Senate voted 50-48.

Protesters and activists came out in droves before, during, and after the vote to voice their opposition to Kavanaugh’s confirmation, which comes following multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and heated testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Kavanaugh was sworn in Saturday evening in a private ceremony, as the crowds of protesters flooded the steps leading up to the Supreme Court, even knocking on the front doors.

After Kavanaugh’s first accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, came forward with her accusations, polls showed that Americans’ opinions of Kavanaugh plummeted, and according to numerous polls, Kavanaugh has lost the most support from women and Democrats.

Scroll down for photos of the tumultuous protests taking place ahead of his confirmation:

The protests began early Saturday, hours before the final vote is set to take place.

Alex Brandon/AP

Demonstrators congregated outside the steps of the Supreme Court and the US Capitol building. Several held signs depicting Ford, who says a drunken Kavanaugh assaulted her when they were teenagers.

Alex Brandon/AP

Kavanaugh’s expected confirmation comes after sexual-assault survivors across the nation came out swinging against the judge’s nomination in light of the allegations against him.

Alex Brandon/AP

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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