Buick’s Super Bowl LI ad is another demonstration that its cars aren’t frumpy anymore. The ad opens with parents watching their children play football, with one of the dads, we’ll call him “Dad No. 1,” shouting encouraging words to his son. In the background, a bright red Buick Cascada pulls up, and another dad, “Dad No. 2,” points it out. Dad 1 doesn’t believe him, and says, “If that’s a Buick, then my kid’s Cam Newton.” All of sudden, his son transmogrifies into Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton. As expected, he quickly dominates the game, with some amusing results.
At the end, when a Buick Encore shows up, the referee inadvertently turns himself into supermodel Miranda Kerr, based on apparent disbelief over what constitutes a Buick. You can see all of the shenanigans in the video above. Plus, if you’d like to see what goes into making a Super Bowl commercial, Buick produced a short video with Newton and Kerr showing what happens behind the scenes. You can check it out below.
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