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New doings at Ars: “The Guidemaster” and more recommendations

Enlarge / “Fear not, ranger…barbarian…thief….sysadmin!” (credit: Dungeon Master by Toei Animation / CBS)

In the interest of transparency and keeping you up to date about the goings-on at Ars, this brief article will detail how series like the Ars Dealmaster works and what we think you should know about it and other, similar plans we have for the future.

Longtime readers are likely familiar with the “Dealmaster,” an ongoing deals series now in its sixth year. We sift through hundreds of deals and try to present those which we think the Ars audience is most interested in. The available deals are shared with us from shopping site partners provided via our business team. Our writing staff is not dealing directly with OEMs of any sort—they’re simply focused on what’s most promising. When you buy something from a Dealmaster story, Ars gets some amount of affiliate fee from the transaction.

After six years, the success of the Dealmaster astounds us: year after year of growth has shown that readers are really digging it. As a result, the Dealmaster will shortly be joined by a second feature: the Guidemaster.

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