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Magaluf madness: Shocking figures show 94 per cent of hotel guests kicked out are BRITISH

Magaluf has become renowned for a place where British travellers can go to blow off some steam.

Yet it has become too much for the resort town as local authorities have tried to enforce strict rules to curb salacious behaviour and drunken fights.

It has recently emerged that boozed up Brits are being kicked out of hotels at a rising rate due to their embarrassing behaviour.

It isn’t great news for those wanting to still go to the famous destination without bringing a bad reputation.

It has been reported that 73 guests have been removed from hotels in the area in this year so far.

The Palmanova-Magaluf Hotel Association stated that 94 per cent of guests ejected from the hotels were British.

Britons are regularly the worst contenders for being forced out when it comes to nationality, ranging from 75 per cent to 98 per cent since 2010.

In the last seven years, 1,257 tourists have been kicked out of the hotels.

Complaints have included fights, balcony jumping and abusing staff.

Association president Sebastian Darder spoke out about the statistics.

He stated: “We want young tourism but not drunk tourism.

“Some of the holidaymakers asked to leave were accused of assaulting or insulting staff and others for throwing bottles into the street from their hotel room.”

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