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Decrypted: The Expanse: Planet-busters and Epstein drives

Enlarge / Chad Coleman as Fred Johnson (L), Steven Strait as James Holden (R) (credit: Rafy/Syfy)

It sure was a busy week on The Expanse. For one thing, we learned the story of Solomon Epstein, this universe’s equivalent of Zephram Cochrane. The needs of the story are always going to trump scientific accuracy, and the Epstein drive solves two big problems for the show. First, it cuts the transit times around the solar system. And second, it’s a handy way of adding gravity. The show takes place at least two hundred years from now; that’s sufficiently far out that it’s reasonable to suggest propulsion breakthroughs that seem like magic to us now.

Holden remains charmingly naïve. Why wouldn’t Fred Johnson want 30 planet-busters? And why would he think there were no more samples of the protomolecule left? I hope everyone noticed that Naomi ran a simulation rather than shooting their sample into the Sun.

Then there’s the Venus situation. We saw Chrisjen Avasarala for the badass she really is, but Earth has been planning for war with Mars, not with aliens. A war that Bobbie Draper is all too happy to bring to the Earthers.

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