Mutant Zika virus could be new secret weapon in fighting brain cancer – researchers

Medical researchers in the US have weaponized a mutated form of the Zika virus in the hopes of defeating a common, tenacious and highly aggressive form of brain cancer with some highly promising initial results. “We showed that Zika virus can kill the kind of glioblastoma [brain cancer] cells that tend to be resistant to […]

CDC: Zika virus caused over 120 serious birth defects in US territories

AP Photo/Felipe Dana More than 120 babies have been born with serious birth defects caused by the Zika virus in US territories, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday. Scientists reviewed 2,549 women who were possibly infected with Zika who had completed pregnancies; 2,464 resulted in live births while the others resulted in […]

India just reported its first cases of Zika

Thomson Reuters NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India has reported cases of the Zika virus, the World Health Organization said, adding that efforts should be made to strengthen surveillance. The WHO said that on May 15 India’s health ministry reported three confirmed cases from the western state of Gujarat. Cases were detected during testing in February […]

A single mutation may explain why Zika exploded in the Americas

(credit: US DHHS) A single mutation may explain why Zika suddenly erupted from obscurity to become the alarming re-emerging infectious disease it is today, researchers report in Nature. According to researchers from Texas and China, the mutation boosts Zika’s ability to hop into feasting mosquitoes that can then shuttle the virus to more victims. Based […]