Facebook’s latest feature test looks like Snapchat’s streaks

Facebook has been emulating (read: copying) Snapchat for a while now, whether through Instagram or on its own. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s at it again. This time the company is playing around with a feature for Messenger akin to Snapchat’s streaks (direct snaps sent back and forth between friends, which […]

Dark streaks on Mars may not be caused by flowing water

In 2015, scientists analyzing mysterious dark streaks on the surface of Mars found evidence that they were formed by liquid water — an exciting discovery that meant microbial life might be supported on the planet. But new findings published this week in Nature Geoscience suggest it might not be liquid water after all. The dark […]

Teens explain the world of Snapchat’s addictive streaks, where friendships live or die (SNAP)

Cassidy Hopkins/INSIDER Instagram likes are great, hearts on Messages are fine, but the one metric by which many teens live and die is the snap streak. A Snapchat streak is when you send direct snaps back and forth with a friend for several consecutive days. The longer you go without breaking the chain of communication, […]

WATCH: NAKED man STREAKS through Sydney airport after breaching security

A video captured the moment a naked man was apprehended after running around Sydney airport completely nude. He was filmed running past cars on the road into the Qantas domestic terminal. The man then made his way inside the airport, where he ran through the security screening area. The video shows at least four members […]