How CYCLES + SEX Busts Myths and Taboos About Sex, Reproductive Health, and Gender

LA readers should head to this weekend’s CYCLES + SEX, an all-day event at The Springs in DTLA that brings together the top experts and leaders in the areas of sexual and reproductive health to talk all things hormones, menstruation, gender, body awareness, and more. Speakers include actress and filmmaker Rickie Lake (The Business of […]

This Is Why A Low Income Limits Your Control Over Your Own Reproductive Life

“The reality is that for many women who have decided they want an abortion, it’s still unaffordable and unattainable,” deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek said in a speech last week. Plibersek added abortion drug RU486 to Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in 2013 when she was health minister. The medicine was supposed to cost $ […]

Watch Women’s Reproductive Rights Get Taken Away in First Full Trailer for AHCA…ndmaid’s Tale

The just-shared, first full trailer for Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale begins with a bit of all-too-relevant (like, irksomely relevant, if you’re having one of your tired-of-TV-as-Trumpism-metaphor days) bit of voiceover from the series’ star, Elisabeth Moss. “I was asleep before, that’s how we let it happen. When they slaughtered Congress we didn’t wake up. When they blamed terrorists […]