Saudi Arabia using the ‘oil weapon option’ could cause prices to soar to $150

AP Photo/Anis Belghoul There is increasing evidence Saudi Arabia was behind the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, a US resident who has been a critic of the crown prince.   After the US threatened sanctions against Saudi Arabia, the oil-rich country seemed to hint at its ability to hit back through the energy market.  Analysts see a […]

'Europe must buy our oil’: Iranian leader lays out demands for Europe to keep nuclear deal

Iran’s Supreme Leader said Europe must make up for any and all adverse effects the US pullout from the nuclear deal might have on its economy and not seek to include its ballistic missile program and regional policy in the deal. The list of conditions under which Iran would stay in the nuclear deal was […]

‘This is snake oil’: Scientists don’t buy balance-boosting clips featured on Dragons’ Den

Can a little clip harness the power of a scientific phenomenon known as quantum entanglement and boost your strength and balance? Five of six panellists on CBC’s Dragons’ Den thought so, at least while the cameras were rolling. Marketplace takes a closer look at a wellness product’s bold claims.