Physicist Stephen Hawking dies at the age of 76 – family

Published time: 14 Mar, 2018 03:49 Edited time: 14 Mar, 2018 03:58 Renowned British scientist Stephen Hawking, known for his breakthrough ideas in theoretical physics and space research, has died at the age of 76, according to media reports citing his family’s spokesperson. “We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today. He […]

Big load of nothing: Stephen Hawking describes what came before the universe (VIDEO)

The question of what happened before the Big Bang has puzzled physicists for decades, but one of the biggest names in the discipline, Stephen Hawking, has offered a mind-bendingly simple explanation. “Nothing was around before the Big, Big Bang,” Hawking plainly states in conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson on National Geographic’s Star Talk program. The […]

Stephen Hawking makes his doctoral thesis available online

Ever wondered how Stephen Hawking saw the universe as a doctoral candidate, when his theories about black holes were just coming into fruition? You don’t have to hear about it second-hand — you can now go straight to the source. The legendary cosmologist has published his 1966 doctoral thesis online for anyone to read, making […]

Whole Foods is already hawking Amazon Echo speakers

Amazon isn’t wasting any time now that its Whole Foods acquisition has gone through. Sure enough, visitors to Whole Foods stores have noticed that the grocery stores are already pitching discounted Echo speakers ($ 100 for the regular model, and $ 45 for the Dot) at very prominent stands. They’re “farm fresh,” according to the […]

11yo British boy has a higher IQ than Albert Einstein & Stephen Hawking

An 11-year-old British boy has scored higher on an IQ test than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Read more The ‘genius’ benchmark is set at 140, and Arnav Sharma, from Reading, passed the notoriously difficult Mensa test with a score of 162 – the maximum possible result one can receive on the paper. Sharma’s score […]

Hawking says humanity has 100, not 1,000, years to find new planet to live on

Published time: 20 May, 2017 06:37 Renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking has again called on humanity to redouble its efforts to colonize other worlds before the Earth becomes uninhabitable. This time, however, the deadline is even tighter. Speaking to The Royal Society in London ahead of the Starmus IV festival to be held […]

Stephen Hawking among 33 scientists on offensive against critics of popular universe origin theory

Thirty-three of the world’s most respected scientists, including renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, have signed an open letter responding to a controversial article that branded popular views on the origins of the universe unscientific. The letter was published in response to an article in the February issue of the magazine Scientific American, in which three physicists […]

Tomorrow’s World revival: Year-long series with Stephen Hawking and Brian Cox Confirmed

The groundbreaking show ran for almost 40 years from 1965 until it was eventually axed from BBC One in 2003. However, 14 years later, BBC director general Tony Hall has announced the name was returning for the “biggest scientific partnership” the corporation had ever done. The Tomorrow’s World season will merge institutions such as London’s […]

Stephen Hawking appears at conference via hologram, discusses Trump (VIDEO)

Published time: 25 Mar, 2017 16:45 World renowned physicist Stephen Hawking appeared via hologram at a conference in Hong Kong, and had some interesting things to say about the rise of US President Donald Trump. “Can you hear me?” Hawking asked the audience in his iconic computerized voice. “Yes!” came the enthusiastic response from hundreds […]