San Francisco plans to erase thousands of marijuana convictions now that the drug is legal

AP Photo/Richard Vogel San Francisco plans to expunge thousands of marijuana convictions now that the drug is fully legal in California. Anyone with a misdemeanor marijuana conviction will have their record wiped clean. The city will also review nearly 5,000 felony cases for possible action. Californians voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use in 2016. […]

EU leaders trying to ‘erase’ Poland’s WWII drama from historical memory of Europe – Polish minister

Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz has accused European leaders who are critical of Poland’s reparations claims, of attempts to “erase” the tragic fate of the Polish people during WWII from the “memory of Europe.” “Sulejow, destroyed villages and cities, the Polish nation, have the right to the truth of how the defense of Europe and […]

A subway car full of New Yorkers came together to erase Nazi graffiti with hand sanitizer

Michael Semensohn / flickr On Saturday night, New York based-lawyer Gregory Locke posted on Facebook that, earlier in the night, he had entered a New York City subway car with advertisements covered in Nazi imagery. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, a fellow passenger took action.  “One guy got up and said, ‘Hand sanitizer gets rid of […]