House Democrats to Mueller: Michael Flynn failed to disclose trip to broker Saudi-Russian nuclear deal

Thomson Reuters House Democrats sent a letter to FBI special counsel Robert Mueller on Tuesday alleging that former national security adviser Michael Flynn had failed to disclose a trip he took to Egypt and Israel in 2015 to pursue a joint Russia-Saudi Arabia project “to build nuclear reactors in the Arab world.” The letter, which was […]

Twitter explains why it won’t disclose the number of daily users. Kinda.

Following Twitter’s earnings release last week, I called its refusal to release the number of daily users “indefensible.” But in a series of letters with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Twitter tried to defend it anyways. For the moment, the SEC says it’s satisfied with those explanations. Though Twitter is still not going to […]

British spies could be forced to disclose deepest secrets in legal challenge

A legal challenge brought against British intelligence services aims to shed light on the nature of their most secretive operations. Civil rights groups Reprieve and Privacy International want to make public the allegedly highly intrusive activities of the UK’s security agencies by bringing a case before the Investigatory Powers Tribunal. Read more The tribunal is […]

NYPD sued for refusing to disclose face recognition technology docs

A privacy group is suing the NYPD for documents related to their secretive and unregulated facial recognition program. They say the technology can misidentify people, causing innocent people to be investigated or arrested. The Center on Privacy & Technology (CPT), a university think tank at Georgetown Law, announced Tuesday that it filed a Freedom of […]

White House to disclose financial info on high-level staff

Published time: 1 Apr, 2017 00:37 The White House is expected to publicly release several financial disclosure reports covering senior staff members on its website. On Friday, the White House issued a press release saying they would share financial information from some high-level staff members by the evening. Under federal law, high-level officials in the […]

MAR-A-LAGO Act introduced to disclose ‘southern White House’ visitor records

Democrats have introduced the creatively acronymized MAR-A-LAGO Act requiring the White House to publish the visitor log for Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s resort where he has spent nearly a quarter of his time in office. “Making Access Records Available to Lead American Government Openness Act,” or the MAR-A-LAGO Act was introduced Thursday by Senators Tom […]

A new lawsuit could force Trump’s EPA pick to disclose links to fossil fuel companies

Thomson Reuters WASHINGTON – A media watchdog group is suing to force U.S. President Donald Trump’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency to release records detailing his communications with energy companies ahead of a Senate vote to confirm his nomination. The Center for Media and Democracy, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, will […]