Apple and Nokia bury the hatchet

Enlarge / A Nokia store in Helsinki, Finland, in 2013. (credit: Tomi Setala/Bloomberg via Getty Images) A litigation brawl between Nokia and Apple over intellectual property has ended just five months after it started. The companies said today they have settled all outstanding litigation and agreed to a patent license. While exact financial terms are confidential, Apple will […]

Your chance to bury the Blues

Video Image DCE takes a dig at Myles0:30 NRL: Daly Cherry-Evans has a crack at Nate Myles for “putting himself on ice for Origin” – saying he wasn’t really injured when he went off against the Titans. May 21st 2017 2 days ago /video/ The Team of the Playing Dead game: Your chance to bury […]

Never Forget When Mark Zuckerberg Tried to Bury the Fake News Scandal

Image: AP The New York Times Magazine has an interesting story out today about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, fake news, and Facebook’s role as the world’s most prominent information distributor. It’s all part of Facebook’s ongoing public relations freak out surrounding the prevalence of fake news and hoaxes spread on the platform. The company is […]

Gizmodo Watch This Industrious Badger Bury an Entire Cow by Itself | Deadspin Coastal Carolina Suspe

Gizmodo Watch This Industrious Badger Bury an Entire Cow by Itself | Deadspin Coastal Carolina Suspended Their Entire Cheerleading Squad And Won’t Say Why | Jezebel Fellow Dirt Bags: Turns Out It’s Okay If You Don’t Wash Your Legs | The Root Sean Hannity Is Garbage, but Not All Opinion Shows Are Trash | Kotaku

Avalanches bury ‘entire villages,’ kill 100+ in Afghanistan & Pakistan amid freaky snowstorms

Multiple avalanches in northern Afghanistan and Pakistan have claimed over 100 lives, with authorities warning of more avalanches likely to come as abnormally heavy snowfall continues. After snowstorms have been ravaging the northern regions for a week, a lot of snow amassed in the mountains started to come down, wiping out entire villages. READ MORE: Blizzards […]