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Stomach bloating: This exercise could get rid of trapped wind – do it from your own home

Stomach bloating has affected most people at some point in their lifetime, according to the NHS.

The condition can leave the stomach feeling uncomfortable, stretched, and even painful.

But patients could relieve their bloating pain by doing some exercises, it’s been revealed.

Stair-climbing could help to get rid of trapped wind.

The exercise helps gas to pass through the digestive system, claimed medical website LiveStrong.

“Cardio exercises may help relieve abdominal bloating, it said.

“When you exercise, it can help gas pass through the digestive system.

“Participate in a form of cardio exercise for a minimum of 10 minutes to find relief.

“Besides walking, you can participate in swimming, cycling, jogging, step aerobics or stair-climbing.

“Increase the time of your cardio workouts until you are exercising 25 to 30 minutes three to five times per week.”

Not doing enough exercise could lead to constipation or bloating pain.

Physical activity could help to expel trapped wind, as well as help move digestion along.

Yoga could also help patients to stop stomach bloating.

The best time to do yoga is just before bed, revealed nutritionist Maeve Madden.

Try doing the ‘cat cow’ yoga pose or the ‘wind pose’, she said.

Patients could also prevent bloating pain by making sure they eat meals during the daytime, it’s been claimed.

The digestive system is more active when it’s light outside.

Bloating could be caused by eating too much food, or by swallowing air, said the NHS.

Skipping meals, or talking with your mouth full, could aggravate your bloating pain.

Speak to a GP if bloating symptoms persist. Constantly feeling full could be a warning sign of ovarian cancer in women.

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