Some Uber employees still plan to quit, they said on an anonymous app

Travis KalanickMoney Sharma/AFP/Getty Images

Many Uber employees took to an anonymous chat app called Blind on Tuesday to discuss the company’s plan to change its corporate culture. And some indicated they were not yet convinced.

103 employees took part in a poll on the app shortly after the company’s all-hands meeting on Tuesday. During that meeting, Uber’s board members discussed the results of an intensive investigation into allegations of sexual harassment, a difficult work environment and other issues.

In the poll 70% of them said that the meeting did not change their attitude toward the company. 31% said their attitude hadn’t changed and they will leave; 44% said that their attitude toward the company wasn’t changed by what they heard, and they plan to stay. 

19% said that before the meeting they had planned to stay, but after it they plan to leave. Only 9% said they were convinced by the meeting, had decided not to quit after all.

There were also many comments about board member David Bonderman on the app including calls for his resignation. Bonderman got himself into hot water at the meeting by making a sexist joke. Employees used words like “embarrassing us,” and “personally offended” in their comments about it. Bonderman quickly apologized for the remark and by late Tuesday, he did resign.

Business Insider does not have access to the app because it’s available only to verified employees. But someone with access to it showed us a limited number comments made by Uber employees on Tuesday.

Uber isn’t the only company using the app. Employees at about 150 companies use it including Amazon, Microsoft, Glassdoor, Pinterest, Lyft, Docker, Medium and WeWork, Blind’s head of operations Alex Shin previously told Business Insider.

Uber was at one time so unhappy about its employees’ use of the app that it briefly blocked the app from its internal network, Shin told Business Insider back in February. It reversed course on that decision and these days does more than simply allow the app on its network. Company executives actively and openly monitor employee comments on the app. Employees sometimes even address their remarks to the powers that be at the company, such as HR chief Liane Hornsey.

Blind declined comment. Uber could not be immediately reached for comment.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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