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I'm A Celebrity 2017: Amir Khan caught out over snake fear as fans dig out this photo

When champion boxer Amir, 30, was forced to take part in the first Bushtucker trial of 2017 alongside Georgia “Toff” Toffolo, he ended up face to face with a jungle python. 

Terrified of the creature, the sportsman cried that he wanted to be removed from the trial, telling ITV presenters Ant and Dec that it was no laughing matter.

While Toff was deeply upset with her task-partner after managing to keep her cool, one viewer discovered a throwback photo of the boxer posing next to a female snake charmer in a night club. 

Appearing cool and collected, Amir pursed his lips not far from the yellow python’s head, sending viewers into a meltdown on Twitter. 

“Amir Khan has been caught lying again for 3242627 time this year #ImACeleb,” one unforgiving person wrote. 

Another viewer said: “For someone thats ‘terrfied’ of snakes, but can stand so close to 1 for a picture is pretty impressive isn’t it… #amirkhan #ImACeleb,” followed by: “The only snake in this jungle is Amir Khan for saying that he’s scared of them when he clearly isn’t. #ImACeleb.”

Viewers continue to joke about the situation, as one commented: “It’s a shame Amir Khan pulled that little tiddler snake out of the hole. He’d have coped much better with this big b**tard #ImACeleb #AmirKhan #Imacelebrity.”

The jungle contestant had initially complained to the show’s presenters about his ordeal, but they were simply confused at his apparent cluelessness on the long-running series’ format.

“I can’t believe you made me do this, I said before the show I’m terrified of snakes,” Amir snapped. 

Snickering, Dec explained that that was why the creatures were put there, before adding: “You really haven’t seen the show, have you?”

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! continues tomorrow at 9pm on ITV.

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