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Former burglar reveals THIS is the best home security purchase YOU need to deter robbers

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Home security: Ex-burglar Michael Fraser has revealed his mmust-have item for preventing break-ins

Michael Fraser, co-presenter of Beat the Burglar and mentor in Going Straight, is an ex con-artist and burglar who knows exactly how would-be robbers choose which houses to break in to, and what puts them off bothering.

Speaking to, he revealed what he would spend his money on to protect his home.

Michael said: “There are quite a few products that are worth buying to protect your home, and first on the list are the apps on your phone that show through to a camera by your front door.

“These allow you to immediately see who is at your front door, and alert you to activity on your property.”

Michael had other practical advice for deterring would-be burglars, and said: “Make sure any letters posted in to the letterbox drop to the floor, have at least two locks on your front door, and don’t leave tools laying around that a burglar could use to break in to your house.

“Also, don’t put a calendar facing the back window in your kitchen, as a burglar will use it to see when you are away.”

Of course, a calendar on the wall isn’t the only way a burglar can monitor potential activity – and many now snoop online to see if a homeowner has left their property vacant.

Sharing location details online is a massive error, Michael explained, as it is an open invitation for thieves to break in.

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Home security: A camera linked to apps on a phone is a good way to keep your home secure

Revealing how to avoid this, Michael said: “Don’t post anything online – save it until you come back.

“Also avoid posting the destination you are in and how long you’re away. Avoid tagging other people or letting them tag you, and never, ever share the location of your home.”

For those who can’t resist bragging about their holiday, Michael advised: “Wait until you are home, and make it clear you are back.

“So many people do share online; Recent research by Together Mutual Insurance found 760,000 people posted they were at the airport and that was only in a 30 day period.”

No home is safe – terraced, flat, detached. The burglar is waiting for the confidence to know when you are on holiday

Michael Fraser, ex-burglar

Another mistake people make is sharing a picture of their passport – a big no-no as far as Michael is concerned.

He cautioned: “Don’t take a picture of any part of the passport as it could be cloned very easily. It’s not worth sharing online.”

And for those thinking their home won’t be a target because it is surrounded by neighbours or in a busy area, Michael had a warning: “No home is safe – terraced, flat, detached. The burglar is waiting for the confidence to know when you are on holiday and isn’t worried about anything else.”

Jon Craven, CEO of Together Mutual Insurance said: “We know from our social media research that there is a significant level of risk posed online when people travel abroad that could be affecting the security of households across the UK.

Together Mutual Insurance

Home security: Michael advised to never share your location or holiday plans online

“While people may be quick to post their holiday excitement in an instant, don’t forget it’s not just the usual holiday spam that could leave you vulnerable. For example, making online customer service enquires or complaints can be a risk you may not realise.

“First and foremost, you should make yourself familiar with your social media security settings, and those of your friends who may be likely to tag you.

“Why not wait until you get back before you share your snaps, that way you can pick the best bits and reduce your risk?”

The advice on keeping your home safe while you are away comes as it was revealed homes of a particular value are most likely to be burgled – is your home at risk?

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