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Emmerdale: Viewers spot MAJOR spelling blunder as Bernice White reveals shock new job

Despite the ITV episode featuring huge developments in Rhona Goskirk’s (played by Zoe Heny) rape storyline and Emma Barton (Gillian Kearney) being rumbled by Laurel Potts (Charlotte Bellamy), fans flocked to social media to discuss Bernice’s (Samantha Giles) new career path.

She had excitedly revealed to Kerry Wyatt (Laura Norton) and Dan Spencer (Liam Fox) that she had trained as a couples counsellor and proudly showed off her certificate to them.

But the pair found her big news laughable and were less than impressed as Kerry asked her: “Who does that belong to?”

“Me, I’m now Bernice White DIP-C-C!” Bernice replied.

“Well I guess you know how not to do it husband wise, you’ve had old ones, gay ones…,” quipped Kerry.

But viewers couldn’t help but point out the very noticeable spelling mistake that featured on the new diploma which read “couples counsolling”, rather than “couples counselling”.

One person wrote on social media: “@emmerdale who spelt the word ‘counsolling’ on Bernice’s certificate? #counselling #emmerdale.”

“Bernice’s diploma is spelled wrong – it’s counselling not counsolling #emmerdale,” noted another, while a third commented: “@emmerdale Spell check on Counselling #Emmerdale.”

Others were simply too amused by Bernice’s new career and found the thougth of her giving advice to couples hilarious.

One fan wrote on Twitter: “Don’t counsel people you know Bernice – it’ll never work #Emmerdale.”

“Nicola’s reaction sums up everyone’s reaction to Bernice and her marriage guidance. #Emmerdale,” said another person.

Emmerdale continues tonight on ITV at 7pm. 

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