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Coronation Street spoilers: Seb Franklin brutally SLAPPED before being left for DEAD

Seb (played by Harry Visinoni) has been struggling to cope after his mother Abby (Sally Carman) overdosed on heroin and then had her twins taken away by social services.

Anna (Debbie Rush) has become intent on helping the troubled 16-year-old and his family, often looking after the younger children when their mother was unable to. 

However, Pat Phelan took this opportunity to drive Seb against Anna, which came to a head this evening.

As Seb sat down for a bite to eat, Anna asked: “Have you had any news on Abby and the twins? How are they doing?”

Raging, Seb stood up and snapped: “I don’t even know where they are! I know where my mum is. She’s on the street scoring smack thanks to you,” prompting an exasperated Anna to shout: “Seb. I never called social services!”

As Phelan entered the room, Seb continued: “We were doing okay until you stuck your beak in,” as Anna added: “Well you couldn’t cope on your own. You shouldn’t have to grow up on your own.”

Seb added: “I don’t need this. Just leave me alone. Just stay away from me and my family. You split us up. You’ve wrecked everything.”

Using Phelan’s own words, he said: “No, we don’t want you. Okay? We don’t want you. We don’t need you. Even Faye hates you. You’re just an ugly chargrilled fishwife who won’t leave us alone.”

Fuming, Anna loudly slapped the teenager across the face in front of the customers, before apologising: “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do that. I’m really sorry.”

Fans instantly rushed to social media, with one tweeting: “Haven’t seen a slap like that since peggy slapped pat in EastEnders #Corrie,” as another wrote: “Hope he got paid extra for taking that slap. Almost knocked him out #Corrie.”

A third posted: “Should have got a stuntman in for that slap #corrie,” as another added: “Wowwwwww felt that slap #corrie.”

A fifth said: “@itvcorrie #Corrie, Anna is going to live to regret that slap, much as Seb might be wrong, you don’t hit a child!” as another wrote: “#corrie WHAT A SLAP I FELT THAT!”

However, the situation soon went from bad to worse for Seb and Anna after the teenager fell off a ladder causing bleeding to his brain.

As Anna was the only witness, other residents are suspicious that she pushed him off the ladder following their earlier incident.

continues this Friday on at 7.30pm.

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