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Brexit: Could your EHIC card be invalid post-2019? How your health may not be protected

Brexit is less than one year away with the UK to leave the EU on March 29 next year.

Travel industry experts have raised concerns regarding a number of issues such as visa controls and open sky agreements.

Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary has been vocal in his concerns that planes could even be grounded if an agreement is not made.

However another aspect to cause concern is the continuation of the EHIC card, which provides free emergency care to people in the EU and affects 27 million Britons.

Could Britons be left stranded abroad without urgent health care?

The EHIC card currently allows Britons to get free or reduced healthcare when travelling to countries in the EU.

It is not a replacement for travel insurance but it allows Britons to use healthcare services abroad.

However, there may not be a guarantee that this will continue with the UK is no longer part of the EU.

The Lords EU committee report in March stated: “In the absence of an agreement on future relations that covers this topic, the rights to reciprocal healthcare currently enjoyed by 27 million UK citizens, thanks to the EHIC, will cease after Brexit.”

Yet there is another way in which the UK could be included, by looking at countries outside of the EU which are still allowed to reap the benefits.

The European Economic Area (EEA) nations include Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Switzerland is not part of either the EU or EAA but does have the same rights.

They are also covered by the existing healthcare arrangements despite not being in the EU, something which the UK could decide to do instead.

The Lords EU committee also stated: “‘Without more detail from the Government about how exactly it intends to maintain reciprocal healthcare arrangements or provide a suitable replacement, this report argues that we should not take the future of UK-EU reciprocal healthcare for granted.”

Yet Britons should also always take out travel insurance which will protect them from emergency health problems when travelling Europe.

ABTA’s director of public affairs Alan Wardle told TTG: “What needs to happen now is for the government to make progress setting out what the future relationship will look like.”

EHIC cards are currently free for British citizens and cover people for treatment of pre-existing medical conditions when abroad.

However, it does not cover treatment that is not currently offered in a country to its own citizens.

Many may not realise that theirs has expired, with 5.3 million in 2016 travelling with one that had ended.

Martin Lewis warned travellers to check point nine on the card which has the date it is valid.

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