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5 Fun After School Activities for Kids

Kids are finally resuming school after a long break at home, and it may take some time to get used to a new schedule. When your kids get back from school at the end of the day, you need some fun activities to keep them occupied. Of course, they’ll have to finish the homework, but other after-school activities will help them spend quality time. Some of them are not just fun, but they are also educational as they help develop real-life skills. Here are five fun after-school activities for kids.

Free Creation

Most kids are fascinated with creating new things. It allows them to express their creativity and problem-solving skills. With free creation, there are no rules, and it can go any way the kids want. You can use random materials lying around in the house and let your kids come up with something creative. For example, they can use paper, glue, and scissors to come up with a paper house or animal.

Another way to approach free creation is by using creative toys. It is much easier and more organized. The kids can use toys such as Bunchems, which are colorful balls that enable you to create anything by binding them together. The kids can make something new each time. This helps to grow their imagination and creativity. Toys are easy to clean up as they don’t make a huge mess after the kids are done playing with them.


They are many types of games that you kids can play both indoor and outdoor. Despite the common misconceptions, video games are good for kids when played in moderation. They can have a positive influence on your kid as they challenge the mind on various levels. There are many types and genres of games available today. Some fun games your kids can play are Minecraft,  LEGGO Creator Islands, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario 64, Pet Bingo, Fortnite, Sim City, and Civilization.

Apart from video games, your kids can also play board games which are also fun and educational. Some of the best board games include candy land, chess, monopoly, and chutes and ladders. If the kids do not know how to play the board games like chess, you can enroll them in a chess training program to better their skills. Other games your kids can play include basketball, Soccer, water gun fights, and so many more. Games will keep your kids mentally engaged and physically active, which is also good for their development.

Making Dishes

Making dishes and after-school snacks is a fun way to teach your kids how to cook. There are numerous recipes you can try out with the kids. You may need to supervise your kids as they cook as there are many safety hazards in the kitchen. Some of the snacks that your kids can prepare are apple nachos, puppy chow, peanut butter banana muffins, fruit salads, and smoothies.

Exploring Nature

If you live near a park or in the suburbs where there are nature trails, you can take your kid up for a walk. It gives them a chance to explore nature and observe animals and insects. The kids can go on collecting rocks, leaves, or other exciting things they come across. It can also be a learning opportunity as kids can research the different animals, insects, or plants they find. They can record the findings in a scientific notebook for future reference.

Another activity the kids can try is gardening. Kids can plant flowers or vegetables in the backyard and water them daily after school. Gardening helps instill some degree of responsibility in your kids as they have to water the plants daily to ensure they do not dry up.

Acts of Kindness

Besides fun activities and games, kids can also participate in charity acts to help other people in the community. You can plan something like donating food or clothes to less fortunate people. Other activities can include visiting the elderly and helping them with some chores around the house. Kindness is one of the greatest virtues in life and can go a long way to brighten someone’s day.

Your kids can do some of these activities alone, or you can join in others to make it more interesting. They help to take their minds off school work and enjoy the afternoon.

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