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5 Cooking Tips for Beginners

There are plenty of people who are understandably intimidated in the kitchen. Whether the bar was set high with mom’s gourmet cooking or the desire to order takeout is strong, it’s time to conquer the kitchen. After all, you’ll save a ton of money as you enjoy fresh meals at your fingertips. With the following tips, you can begin your journey as a great cook.

1. Follow the Recipes

As a beginner, one of the worst mistakes you can make is to think you can go to the kitchen and play it by ear. You don’t want to ‘wing it’ when you’re a new cook. A fool-proof way to make sure the dish is perfect is by following every single step. If the recipe calls for a certain number of eggs, include the exact number. 


If you’re only supposed to turn the oven to 350 degrees, don’t try to speed up the process by turning the oven to 450 degrees. There are steps within the cooking process. Follow each step, and respect the process. It’s also wise to keep the recipe handy in order to reference it when you need to. You can either print it out or keep the recipe book on display so that you can easily see it.

2. Incorporate Interesting Ingredients

When you’re learning how to cook, it’s tempting to solely think of using salt and pepper in your dishes. However, you’ll want to make the process intriguing and exciting by using interesting ingredients. If you’re learning how to make home fries, season them with garlic powder and Hungarian paprika


If you’re preparing a homemade vinaigrette for your lunchtime salad, get the finest Mediterranean Diet olive oil you can get your hands on. As you include interesting ingredients, it’s okay to use some shortcuts. Canned items are one of the best examples of shortcuts. Canned peaches, canned black beans, and canned chickpeas are so much easier to add to delicious dishes. Instead of chopping up a ton of tomatoes for fresh salsa, just pull out a can of tomatoes, and make a restaurant-style salsa in your blender.

3. Freeze What You Don’t Use

When you’re learning how to cook, it’s tempting to solely think of using salt and pepper in your dishes. However, you’ll want to make the process intriguing and exciting by using interesting ingredients. If you’re learning how to make home fries, season them with garlic powder and smoked paprika first.


 If you’re preparing a homemade vinaigrette for your lunchtime salad, get the finest Mediterranean Diet olive oil you can get your hands on. As you include interesting ingredients, it’s okay to use some shortcuts. Canned items are one of the best examples of shortcuts. Canned peaches, canned black beans and canned chickpeas are so much easier to add to delicious dishes. Instead of chopping up a ton of tomatoes for fresh salsa, just pull out a can of tomatoes, and make a restaurant-style salsa in your blender.

4. Make It an Experience

Cooking doesn’t have to be a boring task. Pour yourself an ice-cold beverage into a fancy glass as you cook. Light a sweet-smelling candle to set the mood. Turn on some fun music to help you create a vibe. If you need a light snack, set out a few pieces of chocolate to treat yourself after a long day of work. When you associate cooking with pleasure and fun, it becomes less intimidating.

5. Clean as You Cook

There’s nothing worse than having to deal with a dirty kitchen after you’ve enjoyed a delightful meal. This is why it’s always wise to clean as you go. If you’re preparing spaghetti sauce, keep a damp cloth nearby to clean up any spills as they happen. When dirt sits, it’s much harder to clean up as time passes.


As you work on mastering these tips, don’t be afraid of the experimentation process. Sometimes, a mistake might lead you to an even more amazing dish. There are combinations that will suit your taste that won’t suit others. As the chef, you get to turn the kitchen into your creative zone. While there are tips, tricks and rules to creating a great recipe, don’t forget to experiment as time progresses. As long as you’re having fun and eating well, those are the two components that really matter.

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