Glitchy Tory app allowed anyone to log in as MPs, ministers

A bugged phone app released by the British Conservatives for an annual party conference has allowed any ordinary person to log in as an MP or even a minister, accessing officials’ private data. Read more A glitch in a simple conference app embarrassed British Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative Party as it allowed general public […]

VR developers: Stop shipping glitchy, half-baked games

OPINION: On the 1-10 spectrum of “game developers should be able to sell completely broken demos” to “every game should be thoroughly vetted before release to earn the Nintendo seal of quality,” I’m somewhere in the middle. For years, I’ve hated how app stores and “games as a service” have cultivated …Read More

Visual Out Is A Metroidvania Adventure Through A Dying, Glitchy Computer

In recently released metroidvania Visual Out, an adventure awaits within the files and code of an rotting mainframe. As a rogue program, you descend deep into the operating system of this collapsing cyberspace environment, a CRT glitch-scape where bending the environment to your will is your means of uncovering the secrets of the computer and […]

Data.Expand Creates Glitchy Art Through Arcade Action

Data.Expand is an arcade game about moving around and dodging enemies, but it is also a procedural art piece created out of the player’s failures and missteps, creating striking visuals and pleasant sounds out of what, under normal game circumstances, are considered to be mistakes. Data.Expand involves players weaving around their foes, but each time […]

Glitchy Roach Card Is Too Good Not To Leave In The Witcher 3’s Gwent Spinoff

At PAX East this weekend, members from CD Projekt Red working on Gwent showed off four new animated cards, including one starring everyone’s favorite Witcher steed. Gwent is a standalone collectible card game being developed based on The Witcher 3 mini-game of the same name. The game’s been in beta for sometime, with CD Projekt […]