CBD Edibles vs. Vaping: The Facts You Need to Know

Article was originally published on SundayScaries.

Vaping CBD

Vaping CBD

Many people choose to purchase CBD products like CBD vape juice and CBD gummies as they want to use cannabis for medicinal purposes. Often, they are not looking for a way to get high. Smoking cannabis is not really an option when we are focusing on the healing qualities of CBD or cannabis oil, as you will only really notice the psychotropic effects that the THC present in the buds you smoke causes. It can also be extremely harsh on your lungs so this is why consumers are now purchasing CBD-dominant vape oil. Vaping CBD is one of the quickest methods of feeling the effects of the healing herb and vaping is also permitted in the majority of public places in the United States.

How Do You Vape CBD?

Vape pens, or MODS as they are commonly referred to, gradually heat up the CBD infused oil to a certain temperature. When the ideal temperature is reached, you inhale the vapor into your lungs and the cannabinoids are then able to permeate through your lungs, directly into your bloodstream. Vaping CBD is much kinder on the lungs than smoking is, as the device will only ever heat up enough to produce a soothing vapor. When you vape CBD oil or cannabis oil you can expect to feel the effects pretty much right away after ingestion.

CBD Edibles

SS Gummies

CBD infused edibles can take up to three hours to work at full capacity, but the advantage is that the effects wear off much slower than those caused by vaping CBD. If you are searching for long-lasting relief for Insomnia, pain, or anxiety, then consuming a CBD infused product could be the best method for you. Additionally, if you consume an edible CBD treat, your digestive system will also benefit. They can reduce nausea, soothe intestinal inflammation and also provide your body with additional nutrients that it needs to function properly.

Does Vaping or Eating CBD-Infused Products Make You High?

While CBD is a compound derived directly from a cannabis plant, it doesn’t actually get you high. The compound responsible for getting stoned is called THC, which is only found present in large quantities of specific cannabis oil and, even then, when combined with CBD, the psychoactive effects are minimized greatly. The cannabinoid compound found in oils and edibles gives you a mellow buzz and uplifts your mood, but you won’t feel fuzzy-headed or “high.”

Why Do CBD Edibles Take Longer to Work?

As we mentioned above, your lungs provide a direct entryway into the bloodstream for CBD oil, which is why the effects of vaping are almost instantaneous. When you consume a CBD-infused edible, your liver needs to metabolize all of the contents first, which is why you usually only feel the effects a couple of hours later. That said, for many, it is worth the wait, as they prefer to enjoy longer lasting effects after consuming a singular dose per day and they also report the effects are more intense than those of CBD vape.

What Kind of CBD Edibles Can You Buy?

Types of Edible CBDs

The sky is the limit when it comes to CBD edibles. You can buy cannabis-infused gummies, chocolates, juice—pretty much everything you can think of—all infused with deliciously therapeutic CBD. Most people complain about the taste of CBD oil, which is why more manufacturers are making edibles that taste just like the gummy bears you would eat as a kid! If you are a vegan, rest assured that many of the better companies also make vegan options like these!

The other amazing benefit of CBD edibles is that they are freely available online. The exact regulations on CBD oil are still unclear to a degree and they vary from state to state. With online shopping becoming an increasingly popular purchasing option for many CBD users across the country, many reputable providers will ship to different parts of the US after you buy a product online. The edibles that are sold online are derived from Hemp. Technically, cannabis and hemp are the same plants, but when people refer to cannabis, they are talking about the particular types of hemp plants that produce “buds” containing THC. Hemp is grown for its strong fibers and nutritional seeds and in the U.S, cannabis containing less than 0.3% of THC is considered to be hemp. This is the reason why you can find CBD edibles online, as they are technically made from hemp.

Final Thoughts

Everyone who consumes CBD will have their preferred method of doing so. Learning about the different options of consuming CBD that is available to you will help you make an informed decision about the option you would like to proceed with. If you are prescribed medical cannabis, or you are simply interested in improving your overall health by using CBD, then you can try both vaping and edibles and see which method provides you with the most relief from your symptoms. Regardless of the choice you make, both options are entirely safe and you can never have too much of them. Just start slowly and play around with dosage until you find an amount that works perfectly for you.

Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BriefNews.eu and PCHealthBoost.info Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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